Novocoppo Mediterraneo, Torrita di Siena (SI)
Luogo: Torrita di Siena (SI) Materiali utilizzati per la copertura: NOVOCOPPO colore MEDITERRANEO Foto: 14 luglio 2022 archivio Terreal Italia Srl
Throughout all of Italy, when the roofing becomes a workplace (such as for remediation, photovoltaic system maintenance, solar systems, air-conditioning units, antenna and satellite dish operations, etc.), it is mandatory for everyone to use Personal Protection Devices (PPEs), whereby no collective protections (parapets, scaffolding) are in place, as per Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 – Consolidated Text on Safety. Consequently, the roofing must be equipped with suitable and permanent anchorage devices in line with UNI EN 795:2002, being designed and installed to permit access, transit and the execution of work in complete safety.
This fall-protection system is indispensable each and every time access to the roof is required. Operators can rely on this safety device during inspections or maintenance, in the event of repairs, or the installation of antennas and photovoltaic systems.
For complex projects, both for civil and industrial roofing, Terreal Italia offers complete assistance in the designing of anti-fall systems, accompanied—upon request—by all
calculation certificates
Foto | Descrizione |
Ancoraggio tipo A con cordino inox | |
Ancoraggio tipo A rigido inox 40 x 390 mm | |
Ancoraggio tipo A semplice inox (golfare) | |
Ancoraggio tipo A per lamiera aggraffata | |
Collare per sigillatura palo colore Nero / Rosso | |
Coppia di ganci ferma scala inox | |
Supporto per ganci ferma scala | |
Cartello obbligatorio |
Luogo: Torrita di Siena (SI) Materiali utilizzati per la copertura: NOVOCOPPO colore MEDITERRANEO Foto: 14 luglio 2022 archivio Terreal Italia Srl
Miscelazione Giallo 80% / Rosato 20% di mattone Sabbiato Pica, produzione Castiglion Fiorentino. Cantiere Montecosaro Scalo (MC) via F.lli Cervi.
Novocoppo Mediterraneo Pica. Azienda Agricola Agritoppi – Lucera (FG)
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